Want to learn a foolproof way to do dosage calculations?
Learn the proven method that has helped thousands of nursing students pass this crucial exam without memorizing multiple formulas, struggling to teach yourself, or letting math anxiety steal your dream.

You've got a dosage exam coming up, but no one is teaching you how to do them.

The truth is, your instructors simply don't have time to teach dosage calculations thoroughly...they've got about 100 other things they need to teach in the first weeks of class!

This can leave a lot of students feeling a bit lost and confused. Many will struggle with trying to reason out the problems, others will just start plugging all the numbers into a formula, and others will fear failing out of nursing school. 

But not you. We're going to get through this together. 💕



In this self-paced course, you'll learn how to do dosage calculations step-by-step. With video tutorials and more than 100 practice questions, you'll start with the basics and work your way up to solving the most advanced questions with total confidence!

Does this sound like you?
You've got a dosage exam coming up, but have to learn it on your own.
You've tried memorizing different formulas, but this confuses you more.
You want one reliable method you can use for every type of problem.

I know exactly what you're going through

When I started nursing school, I was shocked to learn I'd need to score 100% on a math exam. As someone who had always had math anxiety, I knew that memorizing different formulas wasn't going to work for me. I also knew that the questions were more than just math problems.

So, while many of my classmates struggled with formulas and convoluted calculations, I learned how to use dimensional analysis in a way that got me to the correct answer every single time. 

I've taught thousands of students, and I can teach you, too! 


What's Inside Confident Calculations

  • Video lessons that teach you step-by-step

  • Dosage calculations workbook

  • More than 100 demo, quiz, and practice questions

  • Hints and walkthroughs

  • Quizzes to check your understanding

Confident Calculations Curriculum

Introduction to Dosage Calculations
  • Alleviating math anxiety
  • Dosage calculations abbreviations and terms
  • Rounding rules and decimals
  • Anatomy of a medication order
  • The Four Questions
Dosage Calculations Step-by-Step
  • Single conversion calculations
  • Multiple conversion calculations
  • Medications dosed by time
  • Medications dosed by weight
  • Medications dosed by weight and time
Other Question Types
  • Reconstituting medications
  • Diluting tube feed and formulas
  • Calculating percent weight loss
Conquering Tricky Questions
  • Trick #1 - Information you don't need
  • Trick #2 - Cumulative doses
  • Trick #3 - Disguising the real question
  • Trick #4 - Convoluted questions that are actually easy
Putting It All Together
  • Critical thinking with dosage calculations
  • Dosage calculations review
  • Cumulative quiz

Learn dosage calculations in a weekend!


Just $21

Save 30% with promo BESTPODCAST

  • Step-by-step video tutorials
  • Downloadable workbook
  • Hints and walkthroughs
  • Quizzes

Student Success Stories

Easily Explained!

Like Nurse Mo, math isn't my strongest point. The math in these lessons is easily explained.

I refer back to it every six months as I'm reviewing for an ICU program I will start within the next year. It adds confidence and that's so important! 

-Karen A. Haddad



Helped tremendously!

Hello! I just wanted to say thank you!! I bought your dosage calculations program and it helped me tremendously! The first time I took a dosage calculations test I failed and the whole time I was so lost. I bought the program and I cannot believe how well it worked! I will be honest in your intro when you said you guarantee getting a 100%. I was not buying it, but it worked! I got a 100% on my dosage test and it came so easy! Thank you!!

-Lauren Ross

Crushed dosage!

Raise your hand if you CRUSHED your dosage calc exam today thanks to Nurse Mo! I definitely don't get 100's on everything, but I know I will always get 100% on dosage calculations.

-Elissa Johnson

Saved my bacon!

Thank you Nurse Mo for dosing calculation boot camp! My school moved my exam up by one week and the baseline that boot camp provided me saved my bacon! 😘


Saved my 1st semester!

The dosage calculations modules literally saved me in my 1st semester. I wasn't "getting it" when I was in class, so I went through the lessons in a weekend and basically taught myself how to do it. If it wasn't for Nurse Mo and this program, I would have failed math my 1st semester. Now I have it mastered!


Got 100%

I got a 100% on my dosage calculations exam today! It is honestly the most amazing feeling ever especially since I have never been a math person. For some reason, numbers have always intimidated me. But Nurse Mo's program entirely changed that.

-Sheena Grogan


I was able to tutor classmates!

I just need to take a second and give Nurse Mo a huge thank you! Using nurse Mo's program with her way of teaching dosage calc saved me. I was able to tutor fellow classmates toward the beginning of class!

-Marietta Forsyth

Thank you is not enough!

Everyone was stressing about whether they would remember all the formulas! I had none of that. I just had to remember the SAME four questions for every problem, Thank you is not enough word to say how much I appreciate Nurse Mo!

-Theresa Scott


Got questions?